Your Feelings Are Valid

Whatever you are feeling, I want you to know...


They are valid just because you feel them.

Sometimes we make ourselves feel worse by unintentionally telling a story to justify our feelings.

Let me explain:

When my husband left the church, I felt grief.

I also understood that no one died, I was still married, and that I had a lot to be grateful for.

I felt like I had no right to feel grief.

But telling myself I didn't have a reason to feel grief didn't make the feeling go away.

In fact, by not letting myself feel the grief, a whole bunch of other emotions like resentment, anger, and disappointment got layered on to the grief and made it even harder.

Rather than simply allowing myself to feel grief, I tried to talk myself out of it, judged myself for it, and then made up a bigger story to validate my pain that made me feel even worse.

Guess what friend?

Your feelings don't require any validation.

They are valid simply because you feel them.

Give yourself permission to feel what you are feeling.

Let go of the judgement.

Life is already hard enough.

You don't need to add to it.


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