You Can’t Gratitude Your Way Out Of Anger

I am a huge fan of gratitude, if fact, I feel like it is magical.

I am all for having faith and looking for the positive.

Those things serve me and my clients well.

AND sometimes I think we do it way to quick.

I don't know about you, but sometimes I jump right to those things before I let myself feel what is really going on for me.

You can't "gratitude" your way out of anger.

You can't "positive" your way out of grief.

You can't "faith" your way out of disappointment.

When we don't address the emotions we are really feeling, they don't go anywhere.

It takes a lot of effort to resist and avoid those emotions.

It can be exhausting, believe me, I know...I did it for decades.

Emotions are patient and hang out until we are ready to feel them.

So what do we do?

Validate how you are feeling.

Let yourself feel what is really going on without judgment or making yourself wrong for how you feel.

When you allow those uncomfortable emotions then... faith, gratitude, and positivity feel even more powerful.


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Your Feelings Are Valid