What Even Is A Life Coach?

When I tell people I am a life coach, they usually get all excited and tell me how that is the perfect job for me.

Then they look at me confused and often ask, "What IS a life coach?"

You might imagine a personal trainer at they gym who pushes you for a certain result.

Or a sports coach telling you what you should or should not do.

I am not that kind of coach.

I like to think of a coach as another set of eyes.

A coach gives you an outside perspective of your brain.

By observing your thoughts and feelings, you can be aware of your behavior and see what thoughts may be causing you extra stress or anxiety.

As your coach, I will help you to see where you may be stuck in your mixed faith relationships (and all the other areas of life).

A coach helps you to figure out what to do with all those emotions we experience as part of being a human.

Working with a coach helped me not only with my marriage, but also parenting, loving myself, getting more out of my life, and becoming more of who I believe my heavenly parent want me to be.

I want that for you as well my friend.

It is simple, but incredibly effective.

Click below to schedule a free chat where you will walk away with powerful ways to improve your unique situation.

I promise I don't bite and that I can help you to change your life for the better.


Your Feelings Are Valid


Pain Is Inevitable, But Suffering Is Optional.