Would You Like An Easy Button?

You know the Staples commercial with the Easy Button?

Such a great concept.

Did you know you have your very own easy button AND you also have a hard button.

Before you do anything you can choose to hit either one of them and depending on which one you hit, it will make life easier or harder.

If you tell yourself things are hard your brain will go to work gathering all the evidence for why that is true.

If you tell yourself things are easy, you guessed it, your brain will look for all those reasons.

Need to figure something out (It’s so hard, or it’s so easy)

Need to clean out the garage (It’s so hard, or it’s so easy)

Need to say no to my friend (It’s so hard, or it’s so easy)

Need to ask my partner a sensitive question (It’s so hard, or it’s so easy).

Prime your brain with EASY.

Seriously, it is magical - and it actually makes everything easier!

Try it out!


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