Worry Can Get Really Expensive

Are you a worrier?

I know I sure can be.

We have all sorts of situations where we might feel worried:

We worry we will sleep through the alarm.

We worry we won't get the job we applied for.

We worry we said the wrong thing.

We worry what other people think of us.

We worry if our kids will make friends.

We worry about all the things that could go wrong in the future.

We worry if our mixed faith relationships will succeed.

Worry, worry, worry.

Sometimes we worry so much that it becomes a habit… an expensive habit.

It seems innocent, but it comes at a cost.

Worry robs you of enjoying the present.

It may give you a false sense of security that worry is there to protect the future, but it doesn’t even do that.

Worry will not stop things from happening in the future, it will prevent you from being present in the here and now.

I once heard that worry is like walking around with an open umbrella waiting for it to rain.

It gets exhausting and it blocks the sunshine.

I like to ask myself if worrying about things will change anything or not.

If the answer is no (and it often is) I give myself permission to not worry.

I get that it is easier said than done.

I just want you to know that worry is optional and when you choose it…it can get expensive.


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