Who Is Taking Care Of You?

Day in and day out you make the magic happen for your people.

During the holidays...even more so.

In order to have the energy to take care of everyone else, don't forget to take care of yourself during this festive season.

It is the oxygen mask on the airplane idea.

If you don't have your immediate needs met, how do you expect yourself to deck the halls, show up for the parties, and move that blasted Elf...in addition to all the other stuff you do?

Here are some ideas to help take care of you:

  • Make sure to get plenty of sleep, exercise, and food that will serve your body in the best way possible.

  • Give yourself the gift of saying "No". You don't have to go to EVERYTHING. What aligns with what you value?

  • Take a bubble bath, meet a friend for lunch, write in your journal, buy yourself a little something.

  • Let yourself feel whatever feelings are coming up for you. As a human, you will feel all of the emotions EVEN DURING THE HOLIDAYS!

  • If you are struggling, don't judge yourself. How would you treat a dear friend when they were having a hard time? Do that for yourself.

  • Validate YOURSELF. "Good job me! You got all the presents purchased, wrapped, under the tree AND did all the other things as well. Way to go self!" Then if others validate you, it will be like a cherry on top.

  • Give yourself the gift on not mirroring the uncomfortable emotions of those around you. Just because everyone else is stressed, doesn't mean you need to be.

  • Take time to talk to the people that recharge you. If that is your spouse, a friend, your therapist or your life coach...reach out to them. Your mental health is important all 365 days of the year.

    • If you are looking for a coach, I know a gal;)

Don't let this be you:


How Do You Want To Feel On Christmas?


Christmas In A Mixed Faith Family