We have been taught NOT to feel our emotions.
We learn so many things in life, but has anyone ever taught you how to FEEL your emotions? In many cases we have been taught NOT to feel our emotions. Have you ever heard or said any of the following?
Don't cry.
You shouldn't be embarrassed.
Get up, you are ok.
There is no reason to be nervous.
Let's go get some ice cream to cheer you up!
You should be over this by now.
Don't be mad at me.
There is nothing to be afraid of.
What is an emotion anyway? An emotion is a vibration in your body caused by a thought you had about something that happened. Some emotions feel great like love, confidence, gratitude, or validation. Other emotions feel terrible such as grief, anger, helplessness, shame, or frustration.
We will do almost anything to not feel an unpleasant emotion. We think unpleasant emotions should be eradicated. For some reason we think we should feel pleasant emotions all the time. Think about it though, do you really want to be happy all the time? I don't know about you, but I don't want to feel happy when a friend is suffering. I don't want to be ok with abuse. I want to mourn at the death of a loved one. The human experience includes all of the emotions. The good, the bad, and the ugly. My superhero power is helping people learn to feel their emotions. Click the link for the video to learn more about emotions.