She Made Me So MAD!!!
We are always saying things like; you make me so proud, traffic is infuriating, that song is depressing, or he hurt my feelings. We think the things outside of us cause our emotions, but they don't. The things your spouse does or says, the number on your scale, the grade your child received on their science test, or the text your neighbor sent you have no power to make you feel anything until you think a thought about it.
Let's look at some examples. It is raining outside.
The bride is devastated because she is thinking, "My outdoor wedding is ruined!"
The farmer is grateful because he is thinking, "God has heard my plea for rain!"
The teenager is happy because she is thinking, "Awesome, I get out of soccer practice!"
The runner is irritated because he is thinking, "Drat! 8 miles in the rain."
The woman curled up next to the fire in her jammies is content because she is thinking, "This is just what I needed."
If the rain were to cause the emotion, all 5 people would feel the same feelings. They have 5 different feelings because they have 5 different thoughts. This is great news for us because if the things outside of us don't create our emotions, that puts us in control. Do you feel like you have no control over what is happening to you in your life? I would love to help you recognize the power that is already within you. Let’s chat!