Those Darkest Days

I don't know about you, but when my husband left the church (and later when my kids did as well) I had so many uncomfortable emotions come up for me.

I was devastated, scared, overwhelmed, hurt, confused, betrayed, victimized, disappointed, and grieving.

Those emotions feel TERRIBLE so I did everything I could to NOT FEEL them.

I stayed as busy as humanly possible with my kids, my calling, socially, and anything else that would take my mind off my pain.

I cried, blamed, argued with reality, begged, tried to control, and had a plethora of pity parties.

I was totally in denial and this was not what was supposed to be happening in my life.

Over time I have learned that when we avoid, react, and resist our emotions we miss a sacred opportunity to hang out with Savior on our darkest days when we need Him the most.

If He, of all people, will meet you where you are at, remember it is ok to be where you are at.

If you want to get through all of these emotions, the best way is through them.

If you need some help, I would be honored to show you how.


Is Self Care Selfish?


Feeling Conflicted?