Feeling Conflicted?
I don't know about you, but I am NOT a big fan of conflict.
In fact, for a lot of my life, I have avoided it like the plague.
Can you relate at all?
I have discovered though, when I avoid external conflict sometimes I feel very conflicted internally.
I may not share how I feel, I may not be advocating for myself, or I miss out on learning about and connecting with my person.
There will be conflict either way, so pick your conflict.
Conflict is actually a normal part of the human experience.
It doesn't mean anything has gone wrong, it just means that there are different ways of looking at a situation.
I love the following questions:
What if conflict was seen as an opportunity instead of something to be avoided?
What if conflict was an opportunity to be vulnerable and discuss things that were important to you?
What if conflict was an opportunity to actually improve your relationships and get to know each other better?
What if conflict was not to be avoided but to be embraced and allowed?