Is Self Care Selfish?

Years ago, I considered self care as something that was selfish, debaucherous, out of my budget, and for other people.

I thought of manicures and pedicures and "fancy" stuff like that.

I had this idea that if I was taking care of me... somehow I was taking away from my family.

We are supposed to serve others, right?

I am all about serving, in fact it brings me a lot of peace AND I have learned that in order to fill someone else's cup, I need to have something in mine first.

God has asked us not to run faster than we have strength.

It is the whole put your oxygen mask on first idea.

If you can't breathe, you won't be able to put your unique goodness into the world.

Self care doesn't need to be expensive or take a lot of time.

It can be whatever you decide it should be.

Here are a few of the ways I like to take care of me:

A long shower, a walk in nature, Facetime with my college kids, reading a good book, a date with my husband, getting enough sleep, writing in my journal, going to the temple, being a cheerleader to myself, resisting to urge to beat myself up, a Girls Night Out, watching an Instagram reel of a baby laughing, eating my lunch in the sunshine, staying hydrated, a piece of chocolate, a phone call with my dad, pondering a scripture that reminds me of how much my Heavenly Parents love me, laying in my hammock, or taking a nap.

What can you do to fill your cup so you have the energy to fill others?

I would love for you to reply to this email and let me know.

You can also send me a DM on Instagram or Facebook @ChrisRichCoaching.


Pain Is Inevitable, But Suffering Is Optional.


Those Darkest Days