Think of ALL the things you HAVE to do today…
Growing up as a member of The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints we learn a lot about making choices.
As 8 year olds we start wearing tiny CTR rings to remind us to "Choose The Right" and sing adorable primary songs on the topic.
Agency is a huge part of our beliefs.
God gives us the power to choose.
We always have a choice.
So I find it curious how often I find myself thinking I HAVE to do something.
I have to pay my taxes, I have to drop off my Amazon return, I have to pay my mortgage, I have to prepare my lesson for Relief Society, I have to lose 10 pounds before I go to my 30th high school reunion, I have to brush my teeth, I have to get my car registered, yadda, yadda, yadda!
The list is endless.
All of those things are totally optional.
There are consequences for not doing the things, but there are plenty of people who don't pay taxes or mortgages.
All sorts of people don't brush their teeth, don't make returns, or show up places weighing more then they want.
Everything is a choice my friends, you don't have to do any of it.
I choose to prepare my lesson because I want to be ready, I choose to brush my teeth because I want a good taste in my mouth, I choose to have my car registered because it is important to me to obey the laws of the land, I choose to return the extra calculator I ordered off of Amazon because I don't want an extra gadget I don't need.
Are there things you feel like you have to do in your mixed faith relationships or any other area of your life?
I invite you to re-evaluate your I HAVE TO'S and convert them to I CHOOSE TO'S.
I also invite you to listen to my podcast this week, it's short and sweet.
Have you ever noticed all the things you HAVE to get done?
We get overwhelmed, stressed, and resistant when we have to do something.
Tune in today to discover a tiny tweak that will turn things around for you.