The Truth About Forgiveness

Let’s chat about forgiveness, shall we? 

When someone has wronged us, we think all sorts of thoughts and those thoughts create our emotions. 

When we feel angry, offended, resentful, bitter, victimized or betrayed…we are the ones that feel those emotions, not the person who wronged us. 

Sometimes we think that by withholding forgiveness we’re punishing the other person, but the reality is the only person we’re punishing is ourselves. 

When we are resistant to forgive, we reinjure ourselves over and over again, because we are the ones to feel our emotions. 

Desmond Tutu said, “Without forgiveness, we remain tethered to the person who harmed us. We are bound with chains of bitterness, tied together, trapped. Until we can forgive the person who harmed us, that person will hold the keys to our happiness: that person will be our jailor.”

My friends, forgiveness is a gift we give ourselves

It doesn’t mean we don’t set boundaries, or that we even need to have contact with the person. 

It doesn’t mean that we condone another person's actions. 

The only thing forgiveness requires is that we stop feeling terrible

I believe the commandment to forgive others is a gift from our Heavenly Parents who know that when we don’t forgive others, it just causes us more hurt. 

If you are ready to let go of some of those heavy emotions, I would love to help you move forward. 

Click the blue button below to schedule a free mini session. 


PS Did you know I have a YouTube channel? Click here for my video on forgiveness.

I have all sorts of great tips to help you in your unique situation. Subscribe to my channel so won't miss out. If something speaks to you, share it with your friends. 


The MESSY Middle


Walking On Eggshells