The MESSY Middle
I love Eric Carle’s story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
It chronicles the journey of an egg morphing into a voracious caterpillar who eats everything in his path (I can totally relate with this part) and then miraculously transforms into a delicate butterfly.
As a child (and as a mom reading it to my kids 10 bazillion times) I loved the vivid illustrations of the smorgasbord of food and the colorful depictions of nature.
This sequence all seems so magical and miraculous.
Let’s be honest though, the caterpillar doesn’t walk into a turnstile and come out a butterfly on the other side.
In this transformation it is easy to focus on the beginning and the end.
Have you ever stopped to wonder what happens inside the cocoon?
I am guessing it is a painful and messy process.
I picture an icky, sticky, messy pile of goo where most of his little legs fall off, he loses his fat, and grows wings.
Although this is not a pretty sight, this is where the magic happens!
Are you feeling like you are in a pile of messy goo and can’t imagine how your life will turn out?
Does it feel dark, and cramped, with body parts all over the place?
Is it possible you are in the middle of a miracle?
Are you currently in the messy middle?
I help my clients create the lives they want in the middle of the mess.
I woud love to be your coach.
Click the blue button and lets chat.