The Story Of The Stupid Stressful Stockings

This past few weeks have been a fiasco.

I inherited some lovely varicose veins from my mom and having 3 babies didn't help my circulatory system.

I saw a vascular specialst and he reccomended I wear full length compression stockings every day for the next 3 months and then we will look at surgery down the road.

I may need to wear these THE REST OF MY LIFE!?!

I am devistated, angry, and dissapointed about the fashion statement I am making.

My tights are ugly, uncomfortable, really hot in the summer, rediculously expensive, and my insurance company will not cover them.

Not going to lie, it has been such a nightmare that I full on cried at the medical supply store I purchased them from.

These blasted things take 7 minutes to put on and by the time they are on I have broken out into a sweat.

I rarely use the H word, but I hate my compression stockings.

They don't stay up and like to roll down and cut off my circulation.

Did you know there is a product called "IT STAYS!".

It is a roll-on body fixative that you literaly glue the compression stockings to your leg!

I am not making this up.

It will come in handy if I ever need a wig or toupee as well.

It makes a great story though.

As I share it with my girlfriends they laugh and cry with me.

I have told this story to lots of people (even you!) and the more I tell it, the more I believe that this is absolutly terrible.

My veins are painful physically, and my story is adding emotional pain that is optional.

I am working to edit the story as I move forward because I realize it isn't helping me.

The current title to my story is "I HATE these stupid things!"

I am working on changing my title to "My helpful tights", but I am not there yet.

We do the same thing in our mixed faith relationships.

We take something that is already painful and make it more painful with the story we tell about our situations.

I invite you to consider the story you are telling about your situation.

Is it serving you or making things even worse?

***Artwork credit: I told one dear friend about my compression stockings and she told me just to pretend I was a swan and handle it with grace. All I could picture was a swan in support hose. I shared this with my super talented daughter and she sketched this for me. Follow on Instagram to see her amazing work. She will knock your socks off...even if they are support hose, and those things are a workout to get off ;)

Want some help editing your story? You currently have a rough draft that you have crafted. I would love to help you edit that story of yours and create a masterpiece that serves you and your loved ones better. Click below to schedule a session with me.



We are all the authors of our own stories.

Sometimes we tell stories that hold us back and keep us stuck in our lives.

In this episode you will learn:

  • The power of the stories we tell.

  • How we can edit our stories.

  • We can cast ourselves in any role we want in our stories.

  • Some great questions you can ask yourself about your current story.

  • Some of my favorite books.



Do You Like To Be Right? So Does Your Brain.


To Judge Them OR To Love Them