The Secret To Success
We spend our lives teaching, loving, and supporting our kids.
We give it our all.
For some reason we think that in order to be a succesful parent that our children need to get good grades, earn their Eagle Scout award, graduate from seminary, and then get married in the temple.
If they do those things (and all the other things on that list) then we can see our self as succesful.
That is all fine and dandy when they do those things, but what about when they don't.
What about when you child gets bad grades, adds lots of money to your swear jar, refuses to go to church, smokes pot and heads off to join the circus?
If you are measuring your success as a parent by what your child is doing or not doing, you are setting yourself up for a lifetime of feeling like a failure.
The secret of succes is to focus on what is in your control instead of the outcomes of your child (or spouse, or any other relationship you are in).
I invite you to look at how you determine your success as a parent or spouse.
Is it based off of things that are in your control?
If not, it is time to redefine success, my friend.
Here are some new ways to define success:
I love my people.
I keep trying.
I teach them.
I never give up on them.
I support them.
We get so enmeshed with our loved ones, it is easy to think their choices in life mean you have succeeded or failed as a parent or spouse. Don’t leave how you feel about yourself in the hands of anyone else, including your children. Be in the driver's seat of your own life.
Not sure how to do that?
Hop on a free call with me.
We can redefine success together.
I promise you are doing so much better than you think.