The Best News EVER!

Are there certain tools that you just love that make your life easier?

I am in love with my chopper tool that makes dicing onions a breeze.

My back massage tool is perfect for getting out those hard to reach knots in my back.

Today I want to share a different tool with you, it is called The Model.

It was developed by Brooke Castiilo from The Life Coach School.

Basically how the model works is that: 

Our circumstances trigger thoughts. 

Our thoughts create our feelings

Our feelings fuel our actions

With those actions we take, we create the results in our lives. 

Let me give you a quick rundown of what that really means. 

By circumstance I mean the facts, the what happened: What your person said/didn’t say, did/didn’t do, the number in your bank account or the number that pops up when you step on the scale, or things that happened in your past. 

The things that are out of your control. 

That is the circumstance. 

Well my brain has all sorts of thoughts about that circumstance. 

With tens of thousands of thoughts a day, most of the time we don't pay attention to the thoughts we think. 

Yet those thoughts are so powerful because they create our emotions

Why does that matter? 

Well, my emotions are what I take action from OR don’t take action from. 

My actions matter because those are all the things I am doing in my life. 

And why does that matter? 

Well my actions are what create my results.

I may not have control of my circumstance, but I do have control over what I am thinking, how I show up in the world, and what I create for myself. 

This is the best news ever you guys! 

This means we don't have to be stuck in our lives. 

We don’t have to wait for other people to do things in order for us to be happy. 

My circumstance doesn’t make me happy or not. 

My thoughts create my emotions. 

I love what President Russel M. Nelson said, “The joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives.” 

The model helps me see what I am focusing on with my thoughts and when I think those thoughts what that creates for me in my life. 

Good stuff my friends. 

Are you feeling stuck in your circumstances? 

Hop on a call with me and I can help you get unstuck. 

You are not stuck because of your circumstance...I promise. 


The Secret To Success
