I was talking to a friend the other day.

They were really struggling and mentioned over and over how they were a failure.

It broke my heart.

I had compassion for them, because I have felt that way myself.

With 3 kids and a husband who have left the church, my brain wants to point out all the things I could have done better.

I could have been more consistant with scripture study, I should have been more strict with xyz, if I would have handled it better…then, if I wouldn't have stolen the carmel from the bulk bin at Grand Central when I was five, etc.

All the SHOULDA, WOULDA, COULDAS swirl around in my brain.

Guess what doesn't help me show up as the mom/wife/desciple of Christ I want to be: A WOULDA, COULDA, SHOULDA WHIRLPOOL!

Nope...not useful.

Satan would love to have me feel like a failure.

When I think I am a failure, I feel terrible, then I act terrible, and I keep failing.

Can you relate?

Beating yourself up over things in or out of your control won't move you any closer to becoming your best self.

Your Heavenly Parents love you.

They will never label you as a failure.

So don't slap that nametag on yourself.

Having a loved one leave the chruch is hard enough, don't make it harder on yourself by calling yourself a failure.

So much love,


PS Are you swirling in your own woulda, coulda, shoulda whirlpool?

I am here with a life jacket in hand and I can help pull you out.

Are you ready?

Choose a time below and let me help.


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