Peace Out, Winter!
At this point in the year I am so excited for winter to come to a close.
I love the four seasons, AND this girl is ready for spring.
A few years ago, I was really sick of winter.
It seemed like it was lasting forever.
Most of the snow had melted except for those nasty piles the plow had pushed into the corner of the parking lot.
This wasn’t a pretty wintery mound; it was a black, icy, dirty mass of yuck with garbage in it (like a grocery cart and someone's underclothes)!
Our relationships go through seasons as well.
Sometimes it feels like spring and summer and everything is going great.
Other times we feel like we are in the middle of a bleak and lonely winter wondering if the nasty piles will ever disappear.
In my personal experience I have learned that on the other side of a difficult winter is a glorious spring.
Spring comes back every year.
I promise.
When I am in a funk, I remind myself this is just winter and it won't last forever.
I also remind myself that my track record for making it through my "winters" is 100%, so chances of making it through this one are very high.
I have more thoughts on seasons in relationships in this video.
Are you wondering if spring is coming back in your relationship, mixed faith marriage, or life in general?
Are you ready to change the forecast of your life?
I am not a meteorologist, but as a life coach I can help you create spring in your life.