The Dreaded Call From The Superintendant

A familiar number popped up on my phone. 

With a storm coming, I knew for sure I would soon hear the deep voice of the superintendent saying that school would be canceled. 

My brain immediately jumped to: are you kidding me, this is stupid, there goes my day, they never would have canceld school in Utah, or something in that family of thoughts. 

Minutes after I received that “stupid” news, I dropped something off at my neighbors house. 

She greeted me with a huge smile and asked if I heard the great news. 

What the heck?! 

Great news? 

This was terrible news. 

We received the same phone call, but clearly felt very different. 

What was the difference? 

Our thoughts about the situation. 

Her thoughts were more on the lines of: this is awesome, I get to hang out at home, or I LOVE snow. 

This was such a great reminder to me that it is not the situation I am in that creates my emotions, it is the way I think about my situation. 

Stop right there and reread that last sentence. 

It is not what happens to us, it is how we think about what happens that creates how we feel. 

If the phone call were the cause of my angst, then every single person who heard that message would feel exactly the same way. 

Clearly that was not the case (and I didn’t even mention the sheer joy my children expressed upon hearing the news). 

Thoughts create emotions.

I can’t control the weather, or what my husband does/doesn’t do, whether or not my child responds the way I think they should, or you fill in the blank. 

Where my power lies is how I think about my situation.

For the record it is totally ok to feel grumpy about a snow day. 

I just want to point out there are other options if I choose to take them. 

Here are some questions you can ask yourself:

Is what I am thinking helpful? 

How do I want to feel? 

Is it possible the opposite is true?

This is where a Life Coach comes in handy. 

I can help you identify where your power lies in your unique situation and what you can do about it. 

Click the black button below and let’s set up a free mini session. 

You have so much more power in your life than you are aware of my friend. 

Let’s tap into it.

You don’t have to let the superintendent ruin your day…I didn’t.


I love LOVE


I Get It