Lead With Your Heart

Today at the gym, one of my favorite instructors gave our group fitness class guidance to achieve the proper form. As I listened to her, I adjusted my body to follow her advice. She wanted us to face the front of the room with a proud chest so she told us to “lead with our hearts”. I pondered that phrase as I did my squats, lunges, and push ups. 

As your life coach I want to encourage you to do the same…LEAD WITH YOUR HEART

What does that look like outside of the gym? The actions we take are fueled by the emotions we are feeling. When I let my heart lead me, my actions will be fueled by love. Love for me, love for the people I am associating with, and love for my Heavenly Parents. 

Sometimes my actions are fueled by other emotions that won’t help me create the results I am seeking. 

If I am parenting out of fear, it usually doesn’t go well. I end up trying to control my child or disconnecting from them. 

If I am eating with shame as my fuel, I don’t make choices that serve my body. I end up hiding and sneaking ice cream from the chest freezer in my garage. 

If I am having a difficult conversation with anger as my fuel, I usually say things I regret. (Speaking of difficult conversations, click this link to download my new guide: 5 questions to ask yourself before your next difficult conversation.)

When my actions are fueled by love I show up as the person I want to be. Love is great fuel to take action from. I can help you learn how to lead with your heart my friend. Take me up on my offer for a free mini session. Click the black button below to schedule. It will change your life. 


She Made Me So MAD!!!


I love LOVE