My Sad Story

I love a good story.

I'm guessing you do as well.

Today I would like to share two stories with you.

Story #1

"My hard, hard life"

By Chris Rich

There have been many times in my l life I have wondered if my life was harder than the lives of those around me.  Let me share just SOME of the real humdingers I have dealt with.

  • I had cancer as a 5 year old. A Neuroblastoma tumor in my abdomen.

  • My mom was dealt a horrible deck of cards as far as her health was concerned. You know when you are playing Phase 10 and you are on 7 cards of one color, but your hand is a run of 7 of all different colors? That is the deck I am talking about.

    • She had manic depression, Parkinson's Disease, a brain tumor, a thyroid tumor, Chronic Lymphatic Leukemia, several strokes, chronic headaches, and osteoporosis. Those are just the ones I can remember off the top of my head.

  • My big brother completed suicide when I was 14.

  • I was always scared of my mom dying.

  • I served a mission for my church. It was super hard. I had to learn Mandarin Chinese.

  • My mom was taken from me way too early.

    • She died the day before my 25 birthday.

      • Worst. Birthday. Ever.

    • My children were robbed from having a grandma.

  • My 23 year marriage has been a roller coaster.

  • My car was stollen out of the church parking lot.

  • My husband left the religion that we planned on raising our family in.

    • I never thought I would be in a mixed faith marriage.

  • Parenting is so much harder than I imagined.

    • My kids have made different choices than I had expected.

  • Currently we are in the middle of a global pandemic.

  • My stupid minivan never starts on the first try.

  • My daughter is a student in another country and I never get to see her.

  • I am scared to see what will happen next.

All of these things have happened, I am not making any of this stuff up. As I recount this bums me out! This story that I am telling myself is not serving me! How I choose to tell the story of my past can make a huge difference. Who do I want to be in my story? I can keep playing the victim or I can cast myself as a ROCKSTAR! I don't get to change the events in my story, but I can change how I choose to look at them and the title for my story.

Story #2

My life experiences have been the perfect lessons for me.

By Chris Rich

  • I am a cancer survivor, if fact, my life is a miracle.

  • I had 25 amazing years with my mom. She was my best friend. I learned so much from watching her handle her trials with faith and tenacity. My family was the recipient of countless acts of service and felt the love and support of our community. I learned so much about what is really important in life. I have developed beautiful relationships with amazing women who stepped in to mother me.

  • My brothers death taught me to say I love you more, to listen more, and to advocate for those that are struggling with mental health challenges.

  • My marriage has taught me that important things are worth working on. The hard parts have helped me appreciate the many good parts even more.

  • Being in a mixed faith marriage has helped me see things from a different perspective. I have learned that my way is not the only way. I am learning to be more openminded, to love people for who they really are, to judge less, and to be more Christlike. I am learning beautiful lessons that are helping me become closer to my divine potential. I now have the privilege of coaching women in mixed faith marriages. I get to be the coach I needed when I was starting this journey. I understand what they are going through and I know how to help.

  • I love being a mom and it is hard. I taught my kids the best I could with what I knew at the time. Now they are teaching me the lessons I still need to work on. As they travel their own unique paths, I get to decide who I want to be and how I want to show up as their mom.

  • My car starts every time, just on the second try.

  • During the pandemic I used me free time to become a Certified Life Coach. I love what I do. I can help others with my coaching tools and the life experiences I have had.

This story story inspires me. It shows me that I can do hard things. I have a 100% track record for getting through my hard stuff. I am confident I can handle what comes next because that is just what I do.

What is the title of your story?

 Is it serving you?  I would  love to help you look at your story.   

Click the button to schedule a free mini session where we can see if your story is serving you.


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