3 Tips For The Next Time You Get Hit By A Grief Grenade.

Have you ever been hit by a grief grenade?  

I love this concept from fellow life coach, Krista St-Germain.

Everything is going just fine in your mixed faith marriage and all of the sudden out of nowhere:  KABOOM.

Perhaps you see the snuggly couple sitting together in sacrament meeting or watching 

Brother Jones baptize his daughter.  

Maybe you walk past your timeless wedding photo with the temple as the backdrop or hear your child sing about forever families.

It might hit you in the middle of a General Conference talk or in the temple as you attend the sealing session of a beloved friend.  

Regardless of where it comes from,  it catches you off guard. 

Here are 3 things you can do when you get hit with your next grief grenade.

  1. Stop, put your hands on your heart, and take 3 deep breaths.

  2. Don’t resist the grief. Expect it to come and go. When a woman is in labor she expects labor pains, and part of labor is breathing through the pain and not resisting it.

  3. Love yourself through the grief.  Instead of judging yourself for thinking you shouldn’t be feeling this because it is not even a death or because you should be past it already.  Choose to lean into whatever you are feeling and love yourself no matter what. 

Grief is not exclusive to death. 

We can feel it whenever we have a loss of an expected outcome. 

Are you ready to talk about your grief?  

Join me for a mini session.

It is totally free. 

I can give you some additional tips to help you process the grief you are feeling.  

Click the button to set up a free mini session.


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