Are You Anxious About Your Anxiety?

Are you or someone you care about struggling with anxiety? It seems like I hear more and more about anxiety all the time. Most of my clients struggle with it in one form or another whether it be in regards to their mixed faith marriage, current events, parenting, or just being a human being having a human experience. 

So what do we do with all this anxiety? Anxiety is often caused by not wanting to feel our emotions (let’s be honest, some of them don’t feel so great). Our amazing bodies were designed to process emotions and when we don’t allow those emotions to be processed, they persist. We get anxious about our anxiety, and that my friends is like pouring gasoline on a fire. Not useful. Emotions were meant to be processed not ignored or avoided. 

Let’s stop judging ourselves for feeling what we are feeling and let our bodies do the job they were designed to do. Once we do that, we can learn tools to help us handle anxiety when it comes up. 

Is your anxiety getting in the way of your relationships, career, or the goals you want to achieve? Sign up for a free mini session. We will come up with a game plan to help you feel more in control and not at the affect of what is going on around you. You don’t need to wait to feel better. Let’s do this!


Ugh..He Is Driving Me Bonkers!


Cleaning Out The Cupboards In Your Brain