Cleaning Out The Cupboards In Your Brain
After my daughter left for college I decided to clean out one of our bathroom cupboards. I pulled out everything: expired prescriptions, dull razors, lots of random hair (I shed like a Golden Lab), curling irons (I haven’t touched one in years), children's toothpaste (my youngest is 12), the headbands I bought but never used, and MANY other things. The garbage was disposed of, many items were donated to GoodWill, and my daughter's things were boxed up for when she wanted them. Once the cupboard was empty I washed it down. Then the best part of the whole project started… I deliberately chose what was important for me to have in my space. I also noticed there were some things I wanted to add to my cupboard that were not there before.
Our brains are full of cupboards. Some of my cupboards include: the perfect marriage cupboard, the good mom cupboard, the proper parenting cupboard, expectations for my children cupboard, the ideal Christmas cupboard, the attitudes about money cupboard, the Sabbath day observance cupboard, the how other people should act cupboard, and that is just the beginning. Each cupboard is full of thoughts we have spent a lifetime collecting: things we want to keep that are useful to us, other people's ideals, cultural expectations, things that were useful but are not anymore, a bunch of trash, etc. As you look at each cupboard, use the same steps I shared above.
Pick one topic. Write down all your thoughts about it. Let go of the things that don’t serve you. Choose intentionally what you want to hang onto. What works best for you and your current situation? Are there things you want to add?
Some people hire professionals to help them declutter and organize their home. As your life coach, I can help you declutter your brain and decide what to hang onto. Are you ready? Click the black button to schedule your free mini session.