How To Get What You Want For Your Birthday

My birthday is coming up. 

We are talking close, like the milk in my fridge expires after the big day, close.

The “Days of 47” are coming to an end and I will be embarking on 48. 

I think that means I am about to hit the top of the hill, because for some reason 50 is “over the hill”. 

What does that even mean, anyway?

For the record, I am not scared of hills…I am a skier.

For much of my life though, I have been scared of special days like birthdays, Mother’s Day, or other days that are important to me. 

My people are amazing…I love them dearly AND sometimes they don’t show up the way I think they should on my special days. 

I have expectations for what they should and shouldn’t do to make my day amazing.

I am confident you do as well.

I am all for sharing your dreamy birthday expectations with your people. 

Let them know what you would love to see happen.

Don’t assume they know, and even if you tell them, they still might not do it right.

Now here is the secret sauce. 

Celebrate yourself the way you want to be celebrated.

Don’t wait for them to meet your needs.

They might not.

Here are some ideas:

  • Plan what you want to do and invite your people.

  • Write yourself a beautiful birthday card including all the things you love about you. All that stuff you wish they would have said..say it!

  • Make yourself the perfect cake (I do it every year. A three layered chocolate cake, mint buttercream frosting, enrobed in decadent ganache). See next post for the recipe!!!

  • Get out the “You Are Special Plate”, the birthday banner, the special goblet, or however you celebrate everyone else.

  • Invite your friends over to celebrate with you.

  • Buy yourself exactly what you want for your birthday.

  • Do something super special for you.

  • And for Pete’s sake, if your people ask you what you want, don’t say, “you don’t need to do anything” and then resent them when they don’t do anything.

Then when your people add to your day/or not you have already met your needs and everything else is like a cherry on top.

You only get one life. 

Are you living it how you want to be? 

I can help you figure out how. 

Click below and take me up on a free mini session.


My Favorite Cake Recipe


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