Do You Need A Perspectacle Adjustment?

For years I was denying the fact that glasses could probably help me. There were "Cheaters" all over my house so I could read things close up, but they didn't help me see across the room. When I finally surrendered to Progressives, my vision improved dramatically. The lenses we look through truly make a difference in how we see things.

Our brains are the same way.  Depending on the "PERSPECTACLES" I am looking through, I see things differently.  When I think a thought like "my life is really hard" my brain goes to work looking for all the evidence of why that is true.  It can find piles of proof that life ain't easy.  Our brains don't want to be wrong (even if they are).   If I were to give my brain a different job with another thought like "life is tough and I am tougher" I gather completely different evidence.  The eye sees what the brain looks for.  What are you telling your brain to look for?  Whatever you are looking for my friend, I promise you will see it.  Choose your "PERSPECTACLES" wisely.  

My eye doctor figured out what prescription would serve me best.  As you life and mixed faith marriage coach, I can help you adjust the way you see your life. Sign up for a free lens adjustment in a mini session.


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