I Am NOT Going To Wish You A Happy New Year…

For some reason we have this idea that we should be happy all the time.

When we are not happy we feel like something is wrong.

In fact we often ask each other, "What's Wrong?".

We make it harder on ourselves when we take a look at those around us.

We spend a lot of time comparing our boring mediocre lives to the perfect lives of our friends on social media and those "perfect" families at church who have it all together.

We compare our life that feels so full of "bloopers" to the "highlight reels" of those around us.

No one is happy 100% of the time.

The human experience is full of ups and downs.

50% of the time we will feel awesome and the other half the time things will feel hard.

I call this concept 50/50.

When I expect that life wont be perfect all the time then I can make space for the hard parts of life.

So instead of wishing you a Happy New Year, I am going to wish you a 50/50 New Year.

Not in a pessimistic way, waiting for the next shoe to fall, but embracing that life is a mix of ups and downs and it is supposed to be that way.

When I am not negative about the negative parts of life, it creates more positive.

Who would have thought?

Want to chat more about 50/50? I would love to help you see how this tool can change your life. Schedule a free mini session with me below and change your life.


Worry Less…Love More


Let your emotions RAIN