I’m pregnant with twins at 48!
April Fools!
I appreciate all the holidays, but there is something about April Fool’s Day that I really get excited about.
Over the years we have had many of the standard pranks: mustard in the toothpaste tube, coating the bar of soap with clear nail polish, and swapping toothpaste for the creamy center of the Oreos.
My daughter made me very proud the year she stuck googly eyes on EVERYTHING in the refrigerator.
I still giggle about the time I sewed the legs of my husband's boxers shut.
Best. Prank. Ever.
My dad is famous for quoting the 11th commandment: Thou shalt not take life too damn seriously.
This cracks me up since neither of us really swear AND it is great advice.
We often see being in a mixed faith marriage, parenting, or just being a human as very heavy (and don’t get me wrong, I know it can be).
I am not saying you need to jump on the April Fools Day bandwagon (although if you do I want to hear all about it), but what can you do to make life a little lighter?
How can you make your situation more fun?