Making Room For Uncomfortable Emotions
For some reason, most of us believe we should always be happy.
Here's the thing though, nobody feels happy all of the time.
Think about it, if you were happy all of the time, people would think you were weird!
Uncomfortable emotions like sadness, disappointment, and grief are a part of being a human.
None of us like those emotions, so we think it is a big problem when we are feeling them.
The real problem with those emotions is that we have this idea that they shouldn't be there.
We spend so much effort wishing them away, eating them away, Instagraming them away, angry cleaning them away...whatever it takes to make them go away.
If you want to work through those emotions, here is the secret... let them be there.
Make space for them, open up to them, allow them to be a part of your day.
Our uncomfortable emotions are not a problem.
Our emotions are just a vibration in our body.
They can be uncomfortable, but they can't hurt us.
It is just a part of being a human.
Make room for them and keep going.
Nothing has gone wrong.