Happy Birthday To Me!
Guess what?!
Tomorrow I will be turning FIFTY!
I used to think that was "Over The Hill", but now it feel like I am just getting started.
I love to celebrate birthdays and this one will be no different.
I am going to give myself a little gift.
Instead of waiting for other people to celebrate me, I am going to celebrate myself.
I love to look into the mirror and stare into my blue eyes and have a little chat with myself.
It may sound a little something like this...
Hey there birthday girl. Thanks for showing up even on the hard days. Thanks for loving your people in the way only you can. Thank you for trying your best. Thanks for consistently trying to make the world a little better. Thanks for changing your life and helping your clients to do the same. Happy birthday Chris Rich. I love you. I am proud of you.
Then I will give myself a little wink and a smile and go my merry way.
We often wait for others to celebrate us and validate us.
I love it when they do.
But we don't have to wait for other people to do it, we can go first AND it feels AMAZING.
Will you do me a little favor for my birthday?
Will you give yourself a little love and validation?
Write yourself a little note, chat with yourself in the mirror, make a list of what you love about you, etc.
That would make me so happy.
Here is to another trip around the sun.