Dear 18-year-old me
Dear 18 year old me,
The things you are struggling with now, are not a big deal in the future.
You figure it out, all of it.
Those mistakes you made taught you a ton about who you really want to be in the future.
You don’t need to beat yourself up because you end up turning out amazing.
The things you are learning now are laying the foundation for where I am today.
Stop worrying about the future, everything works out beautifully one day, pinky promise.
Just keep taking the next right step.
You are doing so much better than you think you are.
I love you.
48 year old me
PS You dad was right about sunscreen
PSS Don’t panic about your Calculus grade, you don’t need it…ever
Dear 48 year old me,
The things you think are very real problems are not a big deal for you in the future.
Your kids grow up into incredible humans.
Your coaching business will blow your mind.
Your marriage turns out amazing.
Everything is right on track.
Stop worrying about all these things.
The mistakes you are making now help you become the person you want to become in the future.
Just keep taking the next right step.
It will lead you to the perfect place.
I’ll be waiting for you there with bells on.
88 year old me
PS Trust me on this. It really all works out. Promise.
What would your future self tell you?
She is a great person to ask advice from, because she really loves you, and has it all figured out.