What we RESIST persists

Your heart rate increases, you notice yourself getting sweaty, it's getting hard to breathe. Then it hits you, you are feeling anxiety. When you notice anxiety, you have the tendency to want to run from it, to make it go away, or to pretend it is not there. 


I know this sounds counterintuitive, but I dare you to try it. In fact let's make that a double dog dare. Instead of tensing up and distracting yourself on Instagram, with a can of Pringles, or cleaning like a whirling dervish… I want you to RELAX. Yep, literally relax.

Relax your forehead, drop your shoulders from your ears, loosen up your neck, let your back soften. Keep going, friend. Relax your core, your legs, and feet. I like to think of letting the tension melt like an ice cube. 

Take a couple deep breaths: in through the nose out through the mouth. Feel the breath move in and out of your body. 

Acknowledge the anxiety. Validate your feeling by giving it a name: I am feeling anxiety. 

Stay in your body, your brain is going to want to get involved with all sorts of thoughts, sorry Brain, you are not invited to this party. Where is the sensation located in your body? Is it big or small? Is it hot or cold? Does it move or stay put? Is it fast or slow? Is it throbbing or is it steady? Is it smooth or prickly? Does it fill you with adrenaline or wear you out? 

This is the part of being a human where you experience anxiety. It's ok that you don't like it, but can you just allow it for a few minutes while it is here? I pinky promise it won’t last forever. Breathe. Relax. You got this. 

What do you do to avoid feeling anxiety? What would it look like to allow the anxiety to be there and not need it to go away? Did you know I can help you do this? To learn how, schedule a free mini session with me. Click the button at the bottom of your screen to schedule your free session. 

PS. This works for any emotion, not just anxiety. 


I Don’t Have To Do Laundry Anymore!!!


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