How To Beat The Victim Mindset
When my husband left the church I totally felt like a victim.
This was not what was supposed to happen when 2 returned missionaries got married in the temple!
I had done nothing wrong, yet I was the one that got hurt.
That is how I felt and I want to point out, there is nothing wrong with feeling like a victim.
Where it becomes a problem is when we take this mindset with us for the rest of our lives.
It becomes our identity.
If you are a permanent victim, you have no control and you will feel stuck.
Every victim needs a villain.
When we see our spouse or our loved one as that villain, it is really hard to connect with them.
If you are ready to move past feeling like a victim, I get it and know how to help.
I would love to help you change your identity.
Not only will it change your relationship, it will change your life!