How Could This Be A Gift?!?

Years ago when my husband first left the church, I never imagined that anything good would come of it.

It just felt too hard.

Looking back, I have found several gifts.

I want to point out that this took time.

In fact, you may not be ready to look for the good yet and that is totally ok.

I want to share a few of the gifts I have noticed: I like who I am becoming.

My husband and I are learning to be more open and vulnerable, our communication is improving, we are making progress in many areas.

I am less judgmental, more loving, more open to the opinions of others, more aware of those in the margins, and more grateful.

Hopefully I am becoming more Christlike as I navigate this "gift" disguised as an obstacle.

Sometimes what looks like an obstacle in your path is actually a gift meant to move you in a different direction.

How has being in a mixed faith relationship been a gift for you?


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